How did Claire Colson help me overcome anxiety and depression?
Testimonial: How therapist Claire Colson helped me overcome anxiety and depression.
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« I am a carer at heart »
Doctor Langin has a rather atypical background! Initially, he is a physiotherapist and osteopath. At the age of 33, married and with a family, he decided to start medicine in order to obtain a global vision, to better understand, and to be more autonomous.
He lives the stories of his patients and accompanies them as far as possible. His aim is, above all, to bring them back their autonomy by showing them that they are capable of moving forward with their illness and finding solutions themselves.
Ordem dos Médicos: 67562
Chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, depression...)
Acute illnesses (urinary tract infections, gastroenteritis, flu...)
ENT diseases
Infectious diseases
Sexually-transmitted diseases
Joint and back pain
Wounds and stitches
Ingrown nails
Expatriation sickness
Health check-up
2019: Certification in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, PLP training
2015: D.I.U. Hyperbaric and Underwater Medicine, Faculty of Lyon
2011: Doctoral thesis in General Medicine, Faculty of Dijon
2010: D.E.S. General Medicine, Faculty of Dijon
2007: Internship in General Medicine, Faculty of Dijon
2000: Diploma of Osteopath D.O. l School of Osteopathy and Etiopathy of Geneva
1992: State Diploma of Masseur-Kinésithérapeute
Spoken languages : English, French
Book an appointmentTestimonial: How therapist Claire Colson helped me overcome anxiety and depression.
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