

What is micronutrition?

Micronutrition analyzes the micro-nutrients present in food and their benefits to our health. It is a complementary approach to nutrition, which usually focuses on food energy content(macronutrients).

Micronutrients include vitamins and minerals, but not only. They include many molecules:

  1. probiotics, essential bacteria that take up residence in our intestines
  2. trace elements, including iron, which is a component of blood hemoglobin, magnesium, which reduces fatigue, and chromium, which plays a role in blood sugar levels.
  3. polyphenols, which help to fight against the oxidation of our cells. We can mention the anthocyanins found in red fruit, the tannins present in tea, or the isoflavones in soy.
  4. the amino acids that make up our many neurotransmitters, including dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline, but also hormones such as melatonin.
  5. essential fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6, whose roles are no longer in question.
  6. And then, the famous vitamins (C, D, E…) some of which have an antioxidant effect like vitamin E, others which allow us to stimulate our immune system like vitamin D.

Micronutrition is about these elements, small in size but very important in their functions and roles in our quality of life. They represent an asset for preventive nutrition, i.e. a diet aimed at preventing health incidents (fatigue, illness, sleep, etc.).

The micro-nutrition approach is also based on the principle that we all have different micronutrient needs. Thus, some people have a greater need for certain micronutrients. For example, children need more calcium and essential fatty acids for their growth; the elderly, in addition to calcium, also need a good supply of vitamins C and D. And beyond the categories of people, each individual has his or her own micronutrient needs.

No food contains all the necessary micronutrients and is in sufficient quantity to cover our needs. It is therefore essential to vary and diversify our diet as much as possible, to facilitate the coverage of our needs in each nutrient, and thus allow a good quality of life as well as the prevention of certain diseases.


This information is not a substitute for medical advice. You must seek the advice of your doctor or another qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health condition.

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