Psoriasis: identifying and relieving it

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It’s itchy, it’s itchy… living life with psoriasis is not easy!

Olà, I’m Dr Joy!

Today, I’m going to tell you more about psoriasis and I’ll share my valuable tips for relieving it.


What is psoriasis?

It is an inflammatory skin disease that affects over 125 million people worldwide. This is a chronic but non-contagious disease characterised by the appearance of thick, red patches of skin that peel off the epidermis, otherwise known as scales. It can affect different parts of the body such as the elbows, knees or scalp.

It affects both men and women, and can appear at any age, although it usually develops after the age of 20.

Several factors can be responsible for the onset of this disease:

  • Genetic factors
  • Stress, fatigue, anxiety
  • Taking certain medications
  • Cutaneous wound, skin infection

Forms of psoriasis

There are 3 forms of psoriasis:

  • Mild forms = It manifests itself as red patches or spots in a round shape. Pieces of skin may also come off in areas of friction. It also appears on the scalp and nail areas with slight deformities.
  • Infrequent forms = These include inverse psoriasis, mucosal psoriasis, palmoplantar pustular psoriasis and facial psoriasis.
  • Severe forms = Generally, a severe form is defined as psoriasis that affects 90% of the body. Psoriatic arthritis can also be found, or when it is linked to an HIV infection.


Whilst it is not possible to completely cure this disease, there are various treatments that can relieve the flare-ups. Here are some of them:

Medicinal remedies:

For mild forms, a local treatment containing corticosteroids, vitamin D3 or salicylic acids can be prescribed. More severe forms require systemic treatment including retinoid derivatives (tazarotene), immunosuppressants and biotherapies.

For infrequent forms, vitamin A-based drugs are prescribed. PUVA therapies with photosensitising agents are also available.

For severe forms, specialised treatment is necessary, as the usual treatments do not usually respond

Natural remedies:

If you’re not a big fan of medicinal remedies, here are some natural tips.

For some cases, sun exposure and spa treatments can help. Aloe vera is also highly recommended for its moisturising and anti-inflammatory properties. To wash yourself, use Aleppo soap: based on olive oil, it is an oily soap that will clean your skin without stripping it. The main thing is to stay moisturised!

For all treatments, ask your dermatologist for advice.

What about you? What are your solutions for relieving your psoriasis?


Talk to a dermatologist

This information is not a substitute for medical advice. 

You must seek the advice of your doctor or another qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health condition.

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